A place for misfit words, with no real pairings, come to life here, in aesthetic justice through the energy of aries.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I think that's it...

Well, today, M. went even further in his statement of ill-intent towards me, so I'm not sure that I'll be able to finish the "emo anthem" that I started because, frankly, the passion just isn't there. At first, after our "breakup," I treasured everything that I had of his - just some notes that he once copied for me - and my many memories of him. I think that I would have really liked to have kept the fond connotations with them in tact, but alas, the recent events have poisoned them, not to the extent that the connotations are negative, but to the extent that they were rendered completely neutral. It’s actually rText Coloreally interesting that something that elicited such strong, passionate feelings has been dulled to nothing in a day. The title references my abivalence toward the ending my relationship with M. - could something so intese for so long really die in a day?

Adieu to you, my first real obsession. Adieu to you, my first, true, love.

I feel empty.

I'll only tell you if you NEVER look back,


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