A place for misfit words, with no real pairings, come to life here, in aesthetic justice through the energy of aries.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My apologies.

I really apologize for the updates on "my very unfortuante life." It's just that I really can't think of a time when it has been more unfortunate - every dimension of my exsistance has just been thrown into a state of tumult. As is adolesence, I suppose, but having spoken to many peers (too many) about my admittedly self-situated situations, I can't help but feel my problems are more complex and more intricately interwoven, both into each other and into even the most trivial and common of life's
minutiae. I just can't get away from them.

Also, I may finish the "emo anthem" I started earlier. I need closure.

I can't wake up in the city that never sleeps,


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